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Caneuon - Songs

Caru Canu | Oes Gafr Eto? (Welsh Children's Song)

Oes means is there? So oes gafr means is there a goat?
It's a bit of a tongue twister and great fun!

10/07/20 Myfi yw Harri Llwyd

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10/07/20 Can yr Haf

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10/07/20 Mrs Wishi-Washi

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10/07/20 Sali Sws

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08/07/20 O Gymru

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08/07/20 Numican

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08/07/20 O o o mor dda yw ein Duw

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08/07/20 Diolch i ti Ior am ddiwrnod braf

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08/07/20 Am Wlad mor Dawel

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08/07/20 Air Disglair Duw

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08/07/20 Dros Gymru'n Gwlad

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08/07/20 O dyna braf yw'r byd / How lovely is our world

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08/07/20 Caraf yr heulwen

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This hymn is about the weather

08/07/20 Llyffant sy'n dod

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05/07/20 Darn bach o dir

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Mae Mrs Roberts yn canu'r soprano a'r alto ar yr un pryd!
Mrs Roberts is singing the soprano and alto parts at the same time!!

05/07/20 Can yr ysgol

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29/06/20 Jubilate Deo

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29/06/20 O dyna braf yw'r byd

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29/06/20 Cofia bob amser

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29/06/20 Bob bore Iesu

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22/06/20 Trefnolion

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Pysgod Dewi

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Lawr ar lan y mor

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'Dyn ni'n dawnsio

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Can Rhyfel Mawr y Pants

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Daniel y Dinosor Doniol

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Daniel y dinosor yn dawnsio

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Cân y Gofod - Jen a Jim Pob Dim

Dewch lan i'r gofod! Go up to space in a rocket!

Wendi Wlanog

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Tren Bach yr Wyddfa

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Pori’r Pry Copyn

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Ana Banana.wmv

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Afal oren banana

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Dwylo i fyny Afal, dwylo lawr oren, siglo dwylo banana!
Hands up Afal, hands down oren shake your hands banana

Pen ysgwyddau coesau traed

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Mae pawb yn y teulu yn gallu dawnsio i'r un yma!
Everyone in the family can dance to this one!

Cân y Band.wmv

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Dwi'n hoffi cyfri

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Dewch i ganu gyda Martyn! Come and sing with Martyn!

Aderyn Melyn

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Dyma ganeuon ar gyfer y jambori. Beth am ganu nhw adref a chael jambori ar ddydd Gwener? Mae caneuon eraill yn y Video Resource Centre

Here are some jambori songs. Why not sing them at home and have your own jambori on Friday? There are other songs in the Video Resource Centre.

Geiriau Hei Mistar Urdd - mae fideo yn y Resource Centre - words to hei Mistar Urdd - video in Resource Centre


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This is a song about being in the house - which is very apt at the moment!
How many words have y in them??


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y - mae’r gwynt wedi troi yr ymbarel tu fewn mas
Ond mae’r goes dal yn hir – Wel dyna hen wynt cas.

y - the wind has blown the umbrella inside out
but the handle is long - what a nasty wind!

Dewch rownd y byd yn y roced / Come round the world in a rocket

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The r sound is in this song - we go around the world in a rocket and then over to Russia.


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r i lawr a chodi fel roced
saethu drwy'r awyr nefi blw am sbri
r i lawr a chodi fel roced
Wsh! Drwy'r awyr - dyna ni!
r goes down and then up like a rocket

Can Carioci - Cyri, Cyri.wmv

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C fel clust i'ch clywed chi
o amgylch yn ofalus dyna ni

C like a ear to hear you
around carefully and there we are!

Bili Broga

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Dyma un o hoff ganeuon y plant!
This one is a firm favourite!!


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Gwrandewch ar lais hyfryd Mrs Roberts, cerddoriaeth Mr Harries gyda chan i ddiolch i bawb sy'n gweithio i'n helpu ni fod yn ddiogel. Canwch gyda hi!
Listen to Mrs Robert's lovely voice, music by Mr Harries with a song to say diolch to all those working so that we can stay safe. Sing-a-long!

Can Ifor Bach - gwelwn ni chi cyn hir!! Ifor Bach song - we'll see you soon!! Pasg Hapus / Happy Easter

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Rydyn ni gyd yn gweld eisiau ein gilydd - ond fel tim Cymru rydyn ni'n gryfach 'da'n gilydd!
We are all missing each other - and like the Welsh football team - together we're stronger!!

Elfed yr eliffant

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Elfed yr Eliffant or Elmer the Elephant is a very colourful creature - you can google him to see a picture.
Sawl gair e sydd yma? How many e words? Can you act like Elfed in the song? Elfed looks up to the sky - he sees an enormous rainbow. He looks up again and the rain comes down and lands on his head!

Can e

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e - fel trwnc yr eliffant
Yn syth ar draws ac o amgylch blant.

e like the elephant's trunk - straight across and around

Can t

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Ta ta teddy

Can t

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t – i lawr corff tedi yna cic
Cofiwch ddwy fraich mae’n symud yn slic.

t down teddy's body and then a kick - remember two arms.

Can Carioci - Hwyliodd Hwyaden i Hawaii.wmv

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Can h

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h – yn hir ac yna hop – da iawn chi
Pawb yn hapus – clap i ni
Pawb yn hapus – clap i ni!

h is long and then a hop - well done you, all are happy, clap to us, all are happy, clap to us

Mae Mam moyn mynd mas

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Sawl m sydd yma?. Mae'n atgoffa ni i fwyta'n iachus!
How many m words? The song also reminds us to eat healthily!!


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m i lawr ac mae'r mwnci'n neidio ac yn neidio
mae'r mwnci yn un drwg ond rhaid ei gofleidio

m down and the monkeys jumping and jumping
the monkey is quite naughty but we'll give him a cwtsh!

Pysgod Pert yn plymio

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Sawl p sydd yma? Cyfrwch nhw! Beth am ganu'r can a chreu pysgodyn gyda'r dwylo i ddawnsio?
Pysgodyn is fish. How many ps are here? Count them! Why not sing the song and make a fish shape with your hands to make a little dance?


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p yn hir ac mae angen pen
pen ac wyneb - helo Gwen!

p is long and you need a head
a head and a face - hello Gwen! (it sounds better in Welsh!)

a am afal

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Pa eiriau sydd yn odli?
What words rhyme here?


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a i lawr yr afal
a i lawr a ni
lawr a lawr y ddeilen
dyna hwyl a sbri!!

Beth sydd yn y bocs?

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Sawl b sydd yn y gan? Cyfrwch nhw!
How many bs can you see in the song?